
I've recently started my end of year break. It only took a few days of doing nothing for me to get bored. Next thing I knew, I had a blog.

I've always been curious about blogging, but I never saw myself doing it. It seems everyone has one, so what would be the point in creating one myself? I think it can still serve a purpose. For example, I found that writing about something can help me better understand it. Part of me also hopes that I have some ideas that might be interesting to someone. Ultimately, my curiosity about the experience won out.

Technical Details of the Blog

At the time of writing:

  • Stored on GitLab - I'm a fan of GitLab.
  • Hosted on Netlify - I did a quick search, and Netlify came highly recommended, and their free tier was generous. The setup was very easy. I simply pointed it to the main branch on GitLab and copied over the sample netlify.toml file.
  • Generated using Hugo - I've used it in the past. I liked how clean it was. It's a single executable, and easy to set up.
  • Theme is Hugo-Clarity - it looked good and works for mobile.

I'll probably make changes in the future if I don't abandon the blog.